Technology & Comfort Amenities
Digital x-rays
Digital x-rays is a green technology, a sensor is used to capture x-ray images, reducing radiation exposure by 90 percent. The images are instantly available and can be digitally enhanced.
The Wand
The wand is a computer controlled, anesthetic device. The wand meters the pressure and flow of the anesthetic for a pain free, comfortable experience.
Intraoral Cameras
We are able to show our patients the need for their dental treatments with an intraoral camera. They digitally displays an image of their teeth on our flat screen televisions. These images allow us to visually inform and educate the patient of the necessity of treatment.
Casey Interactive Patient Educational System
Casey is a comprehensive DVD system used to educate and inform our patients of the recommended procedures options and alternative treatments available.
Laser Dentistry
Lasers are used for decay detection, to reduce bacterial infection and periodontal gum pockets. Cosmetically they are used for gum recontouring and sculpting.
Home Sleep Monitors
We use home sleep monitors to validate the effectiveness of our sleep apnea oral appliances. We are able to use the information to adjust and modify the appliance as needed.
Comfort Amenities
Wifi, XM radio, blankets, beverages, neck aromatherapy pillows, laughing gas nitrous oxide.