Cosmetic Dentistry

Clear Correct Braces

Concerned about your image socially or professionally? We offer alternatives to metal braces. Clear correct aligners allow you to get a straight, spectacular smile inconspicuously without the unsightly metal braces. In many cases treatment can be accomplished in six months to a year.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers are extremely thin shells of porcelain that are placed on your front teeth to instantly close gaps, lengthen, straighten, or permanently whiten your smile. Veneers take only two short visits and your smile will be transformed into a white, beautiful and straight smile.

Teeth Whitening

Whitening has never been easier. If time is of the essence in office whitening is right for you. Yellow stained teeth are transformed to a white brilliant smile in an hour. Many of our patients use take-home teeth whitening kits to maintain their dazzling white smiles indefinitely. Take-home kits use a custom tray and an ADA approved whitening gel. The trays are reusable and you can always reorder more bleaching gel from our office.

Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic Bonding is a one-appointment procedure. Bonding cosmetically restores teeth that have small chips, to close minimal gaps, and lengthen teeth. We use a composite plastic shaded to blend in with your natural tooth color and can be an affordable alternative to porcelain veneers.

Tooth Contouring

Dramatic aesthetic results many times are achieved by contouring a tooth by rounding, straightening or shortening the tips of the teeth.